Living information by neighborhood and region NO.1 communityThe purpose is to provide various living information in the neighborhood around me.1. Fang Market2. Start-up, side business3. Recruitment, job search4. The Daily World5. Housewife6. Life agency7. In-town delivery service8. Product sales business9.A/S center, vehicle management, house repair10.Quick, Yongdal, Moving-Motorcycle quick, quick service, moving, personal delivery, freight. 1 ton, moving, packing moving, lab quick. lab, yongdal, damas quick.11. Car sales12. Real Estate Sales and Lease13. Use it together [Share]14. Lend me15. Used direct trade16. Delivery agent17. I give you todays event18. Clubs, meetings, etc.Please share information on daily life at flea markets by region with One Network.